132-071 clock movement installation

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132-071 Clock Movement Installation

132-071 Clock Movement Installation instructions for a new 132-071 bought from Clockworks.

Remove the hands

Remove the minute hand by taking off the hand nut. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to gently turn the nut to the left. Once it is loose, will be able to remove it with fingers. Once the hand nut is off, the minute hand will easily come off. The hour hand is a friction fit. Twisting it back and forth while pulling at the same time will remove the hour hand. The hour hand tube is tapered wider as it goes into the movement. This means pressing the hour hand down more onto the post, the tighter it will be.

Remove mounting screws

Use a flat head screwdriver to remove the screws. There are usually four screws at the 12 - 3 - 6 and 9 o’clock positions. Sometimes, there are also screws on the back of the clock case. Removal of these are necessary so the entire movement and the dial can come out the front.

Take off the clock dial

Usually the dial mounts onto a metal plate. This metal plate will have three or four posts that go into the clock movement. The dial comes off of the metal plate with three or four small flat screws. The metal plate that the dial mounts to comes off by releasing the posts that go into the movement. The posts that go into the movement will come off by one of two ways. The first being that the post may have a tapered pin holding it. This means a pin that is fat on one side and skinny on the other. The skinny side will be stuck into a hole that is in the post. To remove the pin, grab it with a pair of needle nose pliers and yank it out.

The other instance one will encounter is a locking collar. The locking collar will have a set screw that loosens for it to come off. With the release of the posts from the movement, the dial will come straight forward and off of the movement.

The new Clock Movement Installation

Installation is the reversal of the removal process. So the first step is to put the metal plate with the posts back on the clock movement with its tapered pins or set screws. Install the movement with its metal dial plate into the round metal clock case and reattach. Install the clock dial back onto its metal holding plate. Put the hour hand on the clock as a friction fit and then the minute hand with its nut.

Set the chime with time

After the installation of the new movement, notice the clock will chime 5 minutes before the hour or after the hour, or 8 minutes, or whatever. The idea being that it won’t chime when it is meant to chime. The fix for this problem is extremely easy. Take the minute hand off of the clock. This is the longer of the two hands. With this minute hand off of the clock, turn it upside down. See it has a square hole where it attaches to the clock. This square hole is in a bushing that will rotate WITHIN the minute hand itself.

Grab that bushing with needle nose pliers and rotate the bushing a little bit. Then put the hand back on the clock and see if it’s pointing to the correct place where the chimes went off. If it is, then set to time. Likewise, if it isn't, take the minute hand off again and rotate the bushing some more. Keep doing this until you get it perfect. Then set it to the correct time. This concludes the 132-071 Installation Instructions.

The content of this website is copyright by Clockworks and written by James Stoudenmire in year 2022

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Andrew Smith
Andrew Smith
5 months ago

I have a Seth Thomas model 468-325 that has a striker attached to the movement. The striker strikes a coil that is attached to the brass clock case. I would like to replace the movement. It has been repaired 10+ times (over its lifetime) and is no longer keeping time or striking the correct bells. Will the 132-071 be an easy replacement? It does not look the same.


2 years ago

Where are the instructions for the installation of clock?

2 years ago

Are there any specific diagrams and/or instructions for the installation of this clock..?

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